A commitment to innovation and sustainability

Surrounded by a rich and diverse natural environment, Japan’s indigenous microorganisms are a valuable resource that we can be proud to share with the world.

Japan has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of fermentation, which has been handed down from generation to generation.

Miyatani Institute of Natural Science and Technology, under the slogan “Choshin Soshin,” is committed to creating new values that transcend the past.
We are committed to sustainable innovation through our world-class probiotic research.

「The Challenge of New Fermentation」

Miyatani Nature & Science Institute isolates and provides yeast and novel functional plant lactic acid bacteria upon customer request.
The yeast or lactic acid bacteria can be extracted and cultured from any desired medium (plants, land, etc.).
We isolate and provide customers with sake yeast, beer yeast, and wine yeast that create new flavors and aromas.

Extracted and cultured probiotics

酵母 Yeast

Sake yeast, beer yeast, wine yeast

乳酸菌 Lactic acid bacteria

麹菌 Filamentous fungi

「innovate beyond one’s predecessor」

The Miyatani Institute of Natural Science and Technology is committed to creating new value that transcends the past under the slogan “Choshin Soshin. Without disrespecting the past, we will create new value beyond it by utilizing our past knowledge and experience. Through research on plant-based lactic acid bacteria and yeast, we will constantly create new products.

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